


Once a square come to the kingdom of line, people in  the line kingdom find square is purely magical, he can be in this place and vanish all of a sudden. People of the line kingdom take sqaure to their king. They have to have their king to see this! The square explains that it's because they are in the world of one dimension so they can only see a line and cannot see the fact that himself is a sqaure. He further explains to the king that there's a higher dimension world. He talks all about the world of 2 dimensions to the king. Then, he suddenly realizes maybe there's also another dimension that is higher than his own dimension, and himself, just like the king, has difficulty understanding it. (content from"flatland"1884  )





Peter Pan lives in the world where no body grows old. J. M. Barrie, the author of the novel, uses some paragraphs to describe details about Peter and his shadow. Unlike the real world, Peter's shadow has his own personality and is independent from Peter. Another interesting thing about shadow is in the dialect of South Eastern China, Taiwanese, when people say "Is it true?" They usually say "Is it with shadow?", meaning that only the truthful thing has shadow. Plato Once describes "the allergy of the cave" explaining that people in the cave can only see the shadows casting from the outside world. Few of them can't satisfied the status quo and were brave enough to seek for the real source of light. We call them the wise. If people living in the cave see the world that is one degree minus from our real 3 dimention world, and if the 4th dimention does exist, aren't we only see the shadows of 4 dimention world? Do we actually see the world or only the shadow of it? And we can't help but wonder which world is real?

Delusion Dwellers by Laurie Lipton.jpg

Delusion Dwellers by Laurie Lipton


The request for the truth is the nature of human being. In the end, however, the journey has make a even more puzzled than we first started. We start to question: what if there are truths? There can be more than one truth! They are called truth anyhow.

I've made a hypercube. We can see different geometric shadows of the hypercube as it rotates, but we can't be quite sure which one is its? They are all its shadows. So perhaps the truth lies in a higher dimension and we only see shadows of it.



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In quantum physics,"uncertainty principle" casts a perculiar shadow for us. When we locate electron's position , we can't quite specified its speed. We can only know the range of it, but not the exact speed. Relatively, if we know exact speed of the electron, we cannot precisely locate its position but only the range of it. The fact is that our intent to mesure its position and speed has altered the original track. Somehow it is similar to our familiar world. As we try to understand the other culture, the old value within us has already set for us on how we see it and we cannot be objective. Here comes the question of objective and subjective. One can be miserablely fall into the deep well of not being able to be entirely objective. It's a tragedy. But here's an positive thinking! If there's no subjective, nothing can't be discussed. The minute we cast a question, we are not objective. Subjective is not entilrely sinful afterall.

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