純竹子有限公司在峇里島以創新的方式用竹子蓋房子,獲得世界滿堂的喝采。約翰·哈第TED TALK的演講、伊蘿拉·哈第的INK TALK,當然還獲得有東方普立茲獎之稱的Aga Khan Award。我有幸在純竹子有限公司實習半年,參與到一些設計的案子。在這段期間對於竹子從採集、處理、設計、估算造價、到內裝材質選用、家具等,都有涉獵。在印尼的日子帶給我很大的影響,給予我在建築領域上很大的啟發。

PT Bamboo Pure uses innovative design method to build bamboo houses. It has been awarded with tons of awards including Aga khan Award. Both John Hardy and Elora Hardy have charmed the world with TED TALK and INK TALK. I had this privilege to do my internship with PT Bamboo Pure. As intern, I participated in bamboo harvesting, bamboo processing, model design, cutlist, interior design, furniture design. My internship with PT Bamboo has inspired me tremendously. 

418964_10152014814080010_710292299_n (1)  On the left, Arianna, intern from the United States & Pak Nyoman,the structure master of bamboo work on the dancing crab house, which, by the way, is a insane structure house!



PT Bamboo Pure designs with models. Once the model is done the design is done. CAD is used after the model master finishes his model. It is use mainly for details. Contractors mainly use the models to build the actual building. Due to the importance of models, there are many many models at PT Bamboo Pure. 

PA172484  A room of models

552128_10152123216700010_2109505945_n  Tools of making models



Nusa Penida Mola Mola Project

P8161182_  After nasi goreng we kept making master plan models at night



Padang Padang project。


PC053280 PC053276 PC053317 




Try out on spiral structure。





Bamboo can be made into paper by adding ananas and banana fiber.

PC063428  Light Design





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